
Toni Oittinen ulkona sinisessä takissaan.
Toni Oittinen – Creator of the Uki-themed hit board game and avid fisherman

Just over a year ago in November, Toni Oittinen spent a board game evening with…

Müge fell in love with Finland’s bright nights

– Can we go to the trampoline?” Özcan family’s children, Robin and Peri, whisper to their…

hatakan perhe istuu sohvalla.
The Hatakka family was drawn to the ease of living in Uusikaupunki

Their yellow house stands in the loop of a horseshoe-shaped driveway, surrounded by similar homes…

Kaupunginlahden rantaa, jossa veneitä ja asukkaista istumassa penkeillä.
Ukilife is celebrating its 3rd anniversary

The has published over 140 stories, and as the messenger of life in Uusikaupunki,…

Perhe Forsell istuu sohvalla.
Uusikaupunki’s Palomettä is the best place in the world for a family with children

As evening falls in the Forsell family’s home in Uusikaupunki’s Palomettä, their 4-year-old youngest, Sakari,…

Annika Hallikainen seisoo kotiovellaan.
Theatre, music, and the sea have anchored an Espoo native in Uusikaupunki

This year marks exactly forty years since Annikka Hallikainen and her spouse Kyösti moved to…

Archipelago life in Uusikaupunki – fifteen-minute drive from the city center

Peace of mind. That’s the first thing that comes to mind when you step into…

Soinin perhepotretti
Why didn’t we move here earlier?

At the end of a peaceful little street, their detached house greets visitors with their…

Koko perhe keinumassa.
In Salmi, you’ll find the ingredients for a good everyday life

A crisp overnight frost has coated the trees in a white rime, and the cold…

Naurava pariskunta Hämeri
Uusikaupunki warmly welcomed an Espoo couple

When the Espoo-based couple, Liisa Hämeri and Ville Lucander, found themselves with empty nests, it…