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Ukilife is celebrating its 3rd anniversary
Kaupunginlahden rantaa, jossa veneitä ja asukkaista istumassa penkeillä.

Ukilife is celebrating its 3rd anniversary

  • Ordinary life in a small town interests you, our readers. Launched on Uusikaupunki's birthday in 2021, our online magazine has been offering stories about life in Uusikaupunki for three years now.

The has published over 140 stories, and as the messenger of life in Uusikaupunki, it has reached tens of thousands of readers. In addition to our hometown, the most avid readers are found in Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, Oulu, and Vantaa.

Our feel-good website’s content is aimed not only at current residents but also at future inhabitants of Uusikaupunki – not forgetting tourists, of course! Or for you, who want to keep up with the happenings in Uusikaupunki simply out of your own interest.

You, our foreign-language readers, are also an important audience, so the majority of the articles on the site have been published in English for you. The bilingual publication has reached a wider audience and introduced you to the daily life of the small town with ease.

And now, to blow out three candles. The journey continues.

A warm thank you to all of you who month after month read and share these stories! on Uudenkaupungin kaupungin elinkeinopalveluiden julkaisu, jossa tuodaan esiin uusikaupunkilaista asumista ja elämäntapaa.
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