
Toni Oittinen ulkona sinisessä takissaan.
Toni Oittinen – Creator of the Uki-themed hit board game and avid fisherman

Just over a year ago in November, Toni Oittinen spent a board game evening with…

Johanna ja Kalle Laihonen kasvimaalla.
The Laihonen couple found a home in a former bank building in the village of Lahti

Kalle Laihonen, an entrepreneur in the wellness and fitness sector, would have made his late…

Kauppias Kirsti Ajanko turkislakki päässään.
Find the Christmas Spirit in Brick-and-Mortar Stores

The night before, a soft, fluffy first snow had fallen on the town. The main…

Johanna Herrala.
Career switch brings peace of mind

Johanna Herrala grabs a vacuum cleaner from the boot of her car in an assured…

Päivi Kurkilahti
Music for people at all levels

Behind the doors of Musiikkitupa in Sorvakko, you will find a homely space full of…

Magdalen vanahn kirkon portailla
Here I can finally be myself

“I am completely Finnish nowadays! I like sweet buns, salmon and a beer in the…

Onnellinen pariskunta uuden talonsa terassilla
Technology has brought everything close to us

Red geraniums are blooming on the terrace of the newly completed light grey house. Another…

Granger Simmons on ylpeästi uusikaupunkilainen
Proud to live in Uusikaupunki

Eight years ago, US-born Granger Simmons was about to turn his life upside down. He…