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A bird enthusiast and a tour guide reveal the top attractions of Uusikaupunki
Tuula-Riitta ja Antti Karlin seisovat keltaisen puutalonsa edessä.

A bird enthusiast and a tour guide reveal the top attractions of Uusikaupunki

  • Over 40 years ago, Tuula-Riitta and Antti Karlin fell passionately in love during a bird and nature course in Lapland, and they chose Uusikaupunki as their home. Now, they fully enjoy an active retirement and the tranquility of their hometown’s nature.

The nature course in Lapland in 1982 profoundly changed the lives of these two young people. Tuula-Riitta, a primary school teacher, and Antti, a biologist, met, got to know each other, and quickly realized they had found soulmates.

-Within just two weeks of meeting, we became a couple, Tuula-Riitta describes the life-changing moment, which still brings smiles to both their faces.

Even now, love is in the air as the Karlins talk about their hometown and its best features. They are still happy with the choices they’ve made—both in their life partner and in their choice of home.

Tuula-Riitta puurappusilla punainen anorakki päällään

Antti reveals that only once did the idea of moving to another city cross their minds, due to a job offer he received. However, the decision to stay in Uusikaupunki and leave the capital region behind was mutual and, in their view, the right one.

-There’s peace and quiet here, and it’s simply a good place to be.

Everything works well, praises Antti, originally from Kyrö.

Tuula-Riitta spent her childhood and youth in Uusikaupunki but never imagined returning to her hometown. However, with Antti, that thought changed, and they started looking for a suitable house.

The yellow wooden house in Sundholma has been their home for 33 years now. Their three adult children, with their partners, three grandchildren, and three step-grandchildren are always welcome at their grandparents’ home.

Recently, the whole family gathered for a special reason: the inauguration of a new outbuilding, “Pöllönkolo” (The Owl’s Nest), which Antti built as a treehouse for the children.

Antti-ukin rakentama puinen maja.

Tuula-Riitta, who trained as a tour guide, knows her hometown well. On her guided tours, she always learns something new herself and sees familiar landscapes through the eyes of a visitor.

-Everyone always says it’s so beautiful here and that there are so many trees,”she says.

The old wooden houses in the town center, where people actually live and thrive, also draw admiration.

The sea is a core part of the identity and landscape of Uusikaupunki’s residents, but Antti highlights the lakes, rocky hills, and groves of his home region.

In their own yard, Antti has cultivated an arboretum, a park with tree species that are somewhat rare in Finland, such as apricot, trumpet tree, and magnolia.

The apple trees they planted years ago are now bearing fruit. The winter apple variety ‘Lobo’ produced an especially good harvest this year, and the red apples are stored in banana boxes awaiting Christmas.

Punaiset omenat puussa.

“We had great food!” is a comment Tuula-Riitta often hears from tourists after a tour. The Karlins believe that good, varied dining options contribute to the small town’s charm. With a quick calculation, they can list at least twenty eateries and restaurants in the town.

-We also have plenty of good clothing stores and other independent shops in the town center,” Tuula-Riitta notes.

The Karlins offer a perfect gift idea, one that benefits both local businesses and the recipient.

-Our children have given us gift cards to the local cinema, for instance. Many would surely appreciate a gift card for a foot spa or other local services, Tuula-Riitta suggests.

Pamprinimen jylhät kalliot ja risti.

The Karlins don’t have to go far from their home to enjoy nature, as diverse plant and animal life surrounds them throughout the seasons. Life feels just right as they walk from their house along a path to the birdwatching tower Antti built, to listen to the silence.

From there, they might spot a white-tailed eagle soaring in the sky. The sight is reassuring, as in the 1970s, the species was endangered. Today, this majestic bird is quite common in the archipelago and in the Sundholma area.

Tuula-Riitta pours a drink, the autumn sun shines in a cloudless sky, and the landscape is painted in fall colors. Such moments encapsulate the Karlins’ life together.

The Karlins recommend seven experiences in Uusikaupunki:

  1. Aidanpäänniemi on Lepäinen Island – Breathe in fresh sea air and watch autumn storms at the tip of Lepäinen Island. You can reach the end of Lepäistentie by car or bike, about 14 kilometers from Uusikaupunki’s center.
  2. The City Bay Promenade – This illuminated and atmospheric waterfront boulevard is easily accessible year-round. While walking, you can read maritime-themed phrases related to the city’s history and learn about the ships built in Uusikaupunki.
  3. Pamprinniemi Nature Reserve – Located in Pyhämaa, this reserve features a scenic nature trail built by the local parish.
  4. The Picturesque Pyhämaa Village – Take a cultural journey back in time by visiting the village’s iconic “culture stairs,” which offer stunning views of Mannervesi from the top.
  5. Velhovesi Scenic Route – Explore the beautiful archipelago landscapes without needing your own boat. The route can be done independently by bike or car, and guided tours are also available.
  6. Myllymäki Hill – This park offers a panoramic view of the city from above, allowing you to admire the quaint wooden neighborhoods and see all the way to the harbor. Visitors often tell Tuula-Riitta, “What a beautiful place!”
  7. Birdwatching Towers – The accessible birdwatching platform at Kasarminlahti is a great spot year-round. The Pyhämaa Lamminjärvi tower offers views over a lake favored by waterfowl, while the tower at Rairanta’s Trainkallio overlooks the inland Lautvesi. on Uudenkaupungin kaupungin elinkeinopalveluiden julkaisu, jossa tuodaan esiin uusikaupunkilaista asumista ja elämäntapaa.
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