
Annika Hallikainen seisoo kotiovellaan.
Theatre, music, and the sea have anchored an Espoo native in Uusikaupunki

This year marks exactly forty years since Annikka Hallikainen and her spouse Kyösti moved to…

Punaiset tulppaanit ja taustalla mylly.
Uusikaupunki enchants a visitor

“I first came to Uusikaupunki with my friend who’s from around here. This place instantly…

Hymyilevä Katariina Torvinen
Engineer’s infatuation turns into love

Katariina Torvinen’s question had the heads of her colleagues turning, but she was herself a…

Asukkaita kaupunginlahden rannalla
City of Experiences

In the City of Uusikaupunki, smooth everyday life and enjoyable leisure time go hand in hand. This historic sea town offers a great setting for numerous events this and every summer, with the charming Crusell Week sparkling as the jewel in the crown.

Aada Puukki Myllymäen maisemissa
Mindscape of a poetess

“It was an accident,” says an 18-year-old Aada Puukki. By an accident, she refers to…