
Julia Nikusaari Outletissa.
Summer Job in Uusikaupunki: Uki Outlet

“I graduated from a vocational school as a cook in Uusikaupunki in 2018. When it…

Sami Kunvik
The craftsman of Uusikaupunki

It started with tarpaulins. More specifically, boat covers with windows, precise stitching and detailed corners.…

Johanna Herrala.
Career switch brings peace of mind

Johanna Herrala grabs a vacuum cleaner from the boot of her car in an assured…

Yrittäjä Johanna Nurmi-Harikkala.
Sparkles and zumba

As the doors of Liikunta ja hyvinvointi Oy Elleni’s gym open at 6 p.m., the…

Essi Lojander Messin aulassa.
The unique charm of Uusikaupunki

“I’m a walking Uki advert”, says Essi with a laugh. She came to Uusikaupunki with…

Yrittäjä Mirella liiketilansa ovella.
Flexible everyday life attracts the Nikula family back to Uusikaupunki

The first customers are peeking in through the windows well before Mirella Metsämäki-Nikula opens the…

Jenna Bergström ja ihana
Fresh flavours straight from the ice cream factory

There is a chilly breeze outside, but the spring sun is already warming the walls…

Amin Torabi
Ready to take over the world from Uusikaupunki

When Amin Torabi, originally hailing from Norway, first got off the bus at the bus…

Anni Viherä
Girl in the seaside city

At first glance, the city seemed big. In the seventh grade, Anni from a small…

Päivi Kurkilahti
Music for people at all levels

Behind the doors of Musiikkitupa in Sorvakko, you will find a homely space full of…