Help for integration problems of all sizes
- The MOPPI project provides advice and guidance for residents with an immigrant background.
You might face surprising challenges when you move to a new country. How does taxation work in the target country? What do I need to know about my residence permit? What on earth are waterproof dungarees? And what is this “piimä” and why does it look like thick milk and taste funny? Moving your whole life to another country, to a new language region and a new culture alone is a hard nut to crack, not to mention the bureaucracy of the new home country.
The project coordinator for the MOPPI project at Ukipolis, Maaret Virtanen, is familiar with all sorts of questions. The project provides personal guidance and counselling to immigrants concerning all aspects of life.
“We provide help in official matters, but we also give advice and guidance on everyday problems. Whether you are dealing with a small or big issue, you can always contact us,” Virtanen says.
In a way, this new project is a continuation to Mirva Salonen’s and Granger Simmons’ previous Asukasluotsaus residence guidance project. Virtanen became a project coordinator for the new project in the late autumn. She considers the first meeting with customers to be especially important.
“A warm and open approach is extremely important in order to make the customer feel that they are welcome to come again. Matters concerning residence permits often require a few meetings, for example,” Virtanen says.
Turku is in charge of coordinating the project, and active project work is also conducted in Uusikaupunki and Laitila. We work in close cooperation with the City of Turku in relation to languages. Primarily, Virtanen and her colleagues provide service in Finnish and English, but other languages are also made available when needed.
We also cooperate with cities’ social services, Kela, child health clinics, parish welfare work and many other associations. Strengthening regional cooperation networks as a part of the guidance and counselling services for immigrants is extremely important,” says Maaret Virtanen.
“It is important to also introduce our social know-how, culture, values and manners to our customers. Particular to those who are planning on staying here, potentially starting a family and becoming a part of Finnish society. I believe that it can build a sense of unity when we can also talk about things other than just the matter at hand,” she says.
In Uusikaupunki, there is a person on call for the project at the adults’ reception Arvo on Tuesdays 9–12 and Thursdays 13–16.
You can also contact the project workers by phone and email:
Mirva Salonen
+358 44 773 2203
Granger Simmons
+358 44 773 2202
Maaret Virtanen
+358 44 773 2211
The Moppi project helps our customers with, for example, the following:
- Instructions and advice related to official matters (Kela, tax matters, insurance, etc.)
- Registrations and residence permits (Migri, DVV)
- Hobbies and other leisure activities
- Education and course searches (e.g. studying Finnish)
- Reunification and volunteering