
Heidi ja Unto valmistavat ruokaa lieden äärellä.
Living by a fairytale forest come to life – peace of mind and friendships in Hiu

On a midday in February, the fog still lingers in the air after a rainy…

Noora Kiela istuu sohvalla.
Wooden house that made the dream come true

She had thought about it so many times. Moving to Uusikaupunki, that is. When the…

Kristiina Kari ja Petteri Nieminen istuvat nojatuoleissaan.
Sailing towards a new home port

A more idyllic winter setting is hard to find. The streets covered by fresh snow,…

Lauri Ketonen
Professional entertainer enjoys Uusikaupunki

Lauri became interested in theatre in his youth at the Uusikaupunki Theatre and, after completing…

Hanna ja Jari Laurikko.
Why these people from Turku moved to Uusikaupunki

Graphic designer Hanna Laurikko and photographer Jari Laurikko are both visualists, and the beauty of…

Wahlbergin museotalon joulukuusi koristeltuna salissa.
Christmas in the fashion of the old wooden house town

Lutefisk, gravlax, imported cheeses and wines, casseroles, rice pudding, gingerbread and rosolli salad. Sound familiar?…

Joulupukki kauppatorilla
My place – Santa Claus

“It’s always nice to come to Uusikaupunki. The people here are so nice and spontaneous.…

Yrittäjä Johanna Nurmi-Harikkala.
Sparkles and zumba

As the doors of Liikunta ja hyvinvointi Oy Elleni’s gym open at 6 p.m., the…

Wanhanajan markkinatunnelmaa.
Find your Christmas spirit in Uusikaupunki

Enjoy the atmosphere In Uusikaupunki, settling into the Christmas spirit traditionally begins on the last…

Hymyilevä Katariina Torvinen
Engineer’s infatuation turns into love

Katariina Torvinen’s question had the heads of her colleagues turning, but she was herself a…