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Heinonen’s yard shop is a summer oasis for gourmets
Mari ja Taisto Heinonen mönkijän kyydissä.

Heinonen’s yard shop is a summer oasis for gourmets

  • Mari and Mikko Heinonen initially started growing cabbages as a hobby. As their venture flourished, the couple decided to establish a yard shop. Now, the vegetables from Peteksen village have found their way into restaurants, and the direct sales location has become a year-round destination for those who appreciate local food.

Taisto Heinonen, aged 7, is a familiar face to the followers of the Heinonen farm shop on Facebook. His mother Mari even calls the spirited youngest of their five children the mascot of the yard shop. The soon-to-be first grader manages to do much more during the summer days than just pose for the camera. For instance, on the Thursday after Midsummer, his day’s schedule included, among other tasks, bundling onions.

Sipuliniput rivissä pöydällä.

The shop sees a lot of visitors during the summer, and the shelves are restocked several times a day. At the end of June, the offerings included tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, celery, Siikli and Jussi potatoes, eggs, onions, three types of salads, and basil.

Erja Laulajainen, who visited from Lokalahti, was especially enthusiastic about praising the farm’s cucumbers and tomatoes. The fresh vegetables last long and have the right taste.

“These cucumbers are so tasty that you can eat them just for fun,” she says, “A good cucumber is green inside and should have a slightly bumpy surface.”

On a hot day, the coolness of the shop also earns praise. It’s pleasant and spacious, making it a comfortable place to shop.

Asiakas seisoo myyntiskien edessä.

The story of the yard shop began in 2015. Mari explains that initially, they started growing cabbages and other vegetables just enough for their family. The crops were successful, and there was enough asparagus and cauliflower left over for sale.

-They grew surprisingly well, even though we were complete amateurs back then, Mikko chuckles.

Then the idea of a farm shop was born, and the couple got to work. The shop operates in the courtyard of Mikko’s parents and his childhood home, which is right next to theirs. In the Heinonen kitchen, both mother and father cook.

-Dad makes the salads, Taisto reveals.

Kananmunakennot myyntihyllyssä.

Mikko smiles beside him and shares that his favorite is the crisp iceberg lettuce. Taisto, on the other hand, says he likes the “pink salad.”

Mari explains that officially, Taisto’s favorite is the red frisée. It tastes sweet.

Both Mari and Mikko grew up on farms. Mari spent her childhood and youth in Jämijärvi, where her parents had a dairy farm.

-We met online, back when there was no Tinder yet, Mari shares. Soon after getting acquainted,

Mari moved to Kalanti, and she has now been a resident of Uusikaupunki for twenty years.

-According to Mari, the best part of Uusikaupunki is the opportunity to combine the best aspects of country living and city life.

Perheen pojat pyörän kanssa soratiellä.

The family’s eldest, Joonas, is 16 years old, and the youngest will start his school journey at Kalanti school in August. Taisto has become familiar with the school bus rides during his kindergarten year.

For summer visitors, the Heinosens are happy to show off the pleasant places in Uusikaupunki, with the top destination being the Pakkahuone café at the guest harbor, famous for its delicious donuts.

-We haven’t been there for a long time, Taisto subtly hints to his parents.

Vanha seinäpuhelin ja Taisto.

Products from the farm shop can also be purchased at the Pakkahuone sales point and through Reko sales rings. This summer, Heinonen’s grown vegetables are on sale in over ten locations.

Mari shares that they supply vegetables to nearly every restaurant in Uusikaupunki. Among the newest partners is the Eatery Alex 1917 restaurant in Turku’s Ruissalo.

Busy entrepreneurs don’t even dream of a holiday in the summer. In winter, life is quieter, and the host has time to focus on the shop’s specialty products, wooden and plastic baskets.

Also read the story published in 2021 about direct sales points in our area.

3 x summer treats
(Published 2021) on Uudenkaupungin kaupungin elinkeinopalveluiden julkaisu, jossa tuodaan esiin uusikaupunkilaista asumista ja elämäntapaa.
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