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One-woman ice cream factory
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One-woman ice cream factory

  • Tiina Myllymäki’s ice cream hobby got out of hand, and now Italian-type gelato is made in the small ice cream factory in Uusikaupunki. 

Not many people know that kilos and kilos of artisanal ice cream are made every week in Uusikaupunki, in the beginning of Viikaistenkatu. The production facilities of this one-woman ice cream factory, Postitien Jäätelö, have been located on the premises of Makuvakka Osuuskunta since 2017.

The gelato made by Tiina Myllymäki from Turku are made primarily of fresh seasonal ingredients.

The idea is to offer customers hand-made, seasonal and fresh products, summarises Myllymäki.

The ice cream flavours vary strongly according to the seasons. In summer, the ice cream is flavoured with fresh berries, whereas the Christmas season calls for more spices. Different seasonal celebrations also inspire new flavours. In late winter, the ice cream machine might churn blood orange sorbet and ice cream with the flavours of the traditional Runeberg pastry, and autumn is the time for lingonberry and sour milk ice cream as well as carrot cake ice cream.


Jäätelötehtailija Tiina Myllymäki


“Certain base flavours are available alongside the seasonal options at all times,” says Myllymäki.

Postitien Jäätelö is literally a one-woman factory. Myllymäki is responsible for everything from recipes to chopping ingredients as well as putting the ice cream in jars to glueing labels. She is passionate about great ice cream.

“I have always liked ice cream but then I fell head over heels about making it. It got a little out of hand, and I attended courses by the Carpigiani Gelato University in Bologna, Italy.”

After the basic courses, Myllymäki has already participated in several advanced classes and set up her own ice cream factory. The first ever ice cream was sold in the Pakkahuone Christmas Shop about three years ago.

“I’ve made my career as an environmental consultant, and I still do that, so I’m here at the factory mainly at weekends. Maybe I’ll become a full-time ice cream maker when I retire,” says Myllymäki.

The ice cream maker’s own favourite flavours include the summery raspberry ice cream as well as the hazelnut and orange ice cream with chocolate fudge, which was developed in January. She says that the cardamom and fudge, the very first Postitien Jäätelö flavour, is one of the customer favourites.




“Nowadays, I also make ice cream cakes upon order. I learned the tricks of the trade in my latest course at the Gelato University,” says Tiina Myllymäki.

Postitien Jäätelö has its own small shop in Turku, and you can buy ice cream from Uusikaupunki in the winter primarily via the Reko locally produced food group when it’s possible schedule-wise. In summer, local gelato treats are available in summer cafés in Uusikaupunki.

Read more about the local ice cream factory and Tiina Myllymäki’s journey to becoming an ice cream master at on Uudenkaupungin kaupungin elinkeinopalveluiden julkaisu, jossa tuodaan esiin uusikaupunkilaista asumista ja elämäntapaa.
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