
Onnellinen pariskunta uuden talonsa terassilla
Technology has brought everything close to us

Red geraniums are blooming on the terrace of the newly completed light grey house. Another…

Jukka Helin tenniskentällä
My Place – Jukka Helin

Knee surgeries and an age of 74 have not slowed the man downand he is…

Koirapuisto on aidattu alue, jossa koira voi olla vapaana
WOOF and RUFF – There is plenty of space for frolicking in the dog park

The three-year-old Tibetan terrier Raisu runs to the gate of a dog park located at…

Josefina Pakkahuoneen maisemissa
Summer job in Uusikaupunki: Pakkahuone

“When I was 15 years old, I applied for a summer job at Pakkahuone after…

Kädettömät isät
From day-care centre to terrace entertainers

Sometimes, great friendships are born in the most unexpected of places. This was certainly the…

Aada Puukki Myllymäen maisemissa
Mindscape of a poetess

“It was an accident,” says an 18-year-old Aada Puukki. By an accident, she refers to…

Saga ja Iisa leikkikentällä
Two kids, three playgrounds

Uusikaupunki has 31 playgrounds managed by the city. We teamed up with two practical experts—5-year-old…

Marko Vikman kotiovellaan
“There is a refreshing village community feel to Uusikaupunki”

The faint morning sun sheds its rays through the white wooden house’s grilled windows. Marko…

Johanna Sillgren
Fingers in the soil – time to turn your gaze to the lawn, pavings, and the roots of bushes in the spring garden

The delicate hepaticas and the shy buds of grape hyacinths are peeking out from the…

Jukitsu Myllymäen kivirappusilla
My place – Jukitsu Hyytiä

Later in our teens, we turned to drinking and kissing on the rocks of Myllymäki.…